Hypnotherapy gives you the ability to suspend your logical/rational thinking mind, your conscious mind, and dip into the subconscious in order to gain new perspectives and insights as to what is going on with you and how to move beyond your problems into new and creative solutions.
In this process, we pause the part of our selves that operates by analyzing and rationalizing and creating stories in order to make sense of the world. This is not a bad part of who we are, in fact, it is quite literally how we are able to be and function as human beings in the world, however, when dealing with blocks or ruts or feelings of being stuck, sometimes the fixedness of our beliefs systems can be almost impossible to override. This is why we must access more creative parts of ourselves in order to overcome these life long patterns of thought and behavior that have us stuck in problematic cycles.

Hypnotherapy does that!
Hypnosis gets you beyond these stuck stories and speaks to you through metaphor and symbols and the language of the psyche. Which is often dismissed when filtered though our rational minds, not always, but often. When it is accepted by our rational minds, we refer to it as creativity, the muse, inspiration, intuition even genius!
It’s where we crack codes and level up…
Art, music, poetry and invention all come from our subconscious minds, the store house of unlimited imagination… And hello people–we have a direct door in.
That door is hypnosis.
What I have found, time and time again, is that your psyche only ever wants to keep you safe and comfortable, even the parts of yourself that you perceive to be in your way. Hypnotherapy gets you out of your own way and helps to create harmony and integration between all of the parts of your being, so that you may finally move through the world from a place of balance and ease.