
Hypnosis temporarily suspends your conscious mind while accessing your subconscious mind, allowing clearer perspective into your inner workings.
In this space, both you and your therapist, are able to better understand the ways in which you have been perceiving the world.
Here we uncover the long held patterns of belief that have been causing your physical, mental or emotional disturbances.
Hypnotherapy addresses these belief structures at the subconscious level, correcting thinking errors and eliminating destructive behaviors. From here we reorganize these thought environments to create beneficial belief systems that move you in the direction of your desired outcome to support a healthy mind, body and spirit.

Hypnosis for stress
Everyone experiences stress in their day to day, whether it mainly be positive stress or if it is a stress that is regularly elevated to a point that negatively affects your life. It is just a sad fact, that we as a society, are pushed to compete and exceed beyond what is sometimes comfortable or even healthy for our minds and bodies.
Hypnosis can give you a break from this stress and I can teach you tools that help you regulate your internal world and workings no matter what the outer circumstances are.
You can think of hypnosis as a break from the rat race, a letting go of all the pressure and anxiety that builds up without the appropriate opportunity for release. Hypnosis is just, exactly that, an opportunity to release, to let go of all the tensions built up in your mind.
Just as a massage is for the muscular and structural aspect of you, a hypnotherapy session is that for your mind, for your emotions and for your gray matter. Yes, that is right, your actual brain.
Being hypnotized literally affects different aspects and areas of your neurological system, and allows other parts of your neuro-network to slow down and take a rest.
Hypnotherapy is a massage for your brain.
Hypnosis for fear
Hypnosis for relaxation
You don’t even need a “problem” per say, to sign up for a hypnosis session.
A hypnotherapy session can be as relaxing as a slow and breezy tropical vacation – Without the jet lag.
Hypnosis for relaxation is a wonderful tool to really transport you to an actual feeling state of bliss and relaxation.
One of the coolest and most fascinating things, I think, about the subconscious mind is it’s inability to distinguish between an actual lived experience and an imagined one.
So while you are under hypnosis, having agreed, for the time being to let go of making sense of or having to control every aspect of your experience, you are free to live within the boundaries of your own imagination, which are, as it were, unlimited.
Together with your therapist you are able to journey to deeply replenishing sources of rest and relaxation. These experience are tailored by your unique preferences to meet your personal criteria for what it is that relaxes you and puts your mind and body at ease.
So why not book your next getaway in our office. It will be a cheepest vacation you’ve ever taken.
Hypnosis for inner peace
Within each of us there is a place of profound inner peace.
You may have experienced this sense before. Perhaps while looking at an extraordinary sunset, or while walking through a bright and quiet snowy woods, or standing at the base of a huge magnificent waterfall as it roared and crashed and surrounded your entire body with loads of life supporting negative ions.
You may have thought to yourself wow, that sunset, or, These peaceful woods, or this mighty waterfall, because of the feeling that you recognized within yourself in that moment, in your body, in your emotions in your energy.
None of the that was out there, it was inside of you. The sunset feeling was in you, the quiet was inside, that mighty power you were experiencing did not belong to the waterfall, it was yours.
So now, let’s go there, together, in hypnosis, to that feeling place of great beauty, still quiet, mighty power.
Allow me to guide you to your coremost place of inner peace.
And, not only that, I will teach you how to get there on your own.
Hypnosis for regression
In hypnosis we have the ability to move in a way that disregards the boundaries of time. This is mainly because the subconscious mind doesn’t adhere to time constraints, just as it does not care if the event you are working within is real or imagined. The brain’s electrical functions fire in exactly the same way when it perceives something imagined as it does when it experiences a lived event.
Under hypnosis your conscious mind steps aside and no longer insists on orienting you in a specific time and space, ie, the here and now, because of this, we have the option to time travel!
In Hypnotherapy the process of reaching backwards in time, in mind, is called Age Regression.
From a hypnotically heighten state of awareness, and with the intention of accessing earlier points in ones life we are able to discovery and rediscover, and excavate and recreate, even rearrange and change the negative impressions that certain painful events have had in our lives.
Sometimes folks go back beyond the time of their birth. Sometime times they recall being in another lifetime altogether… This is what we refer to as Past Life Regression.
The cool thing about all of this is that it does not matter if you believe in past lives or not, your brain doesn’t care if the experience is real or not, as a hypnotist it is my job to be with you where ever you go and to guide you to comfort and safety within what ever experience you are having.
The important part about regression of any kind is that your psyche is giving us information that is pertinent to your actual life.
Whether we journey to a time and place where you were a miners daughter in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada or an ancient Polynesian Wayfinder, navigating the Pacific by starlight alone, the gift is of the impression that is illuminated.
We are given symbols of experience, stories that tell the truth about how you might be stuck or wounded in this life, in your life, in the here and now.
It is within this space of doing Journey Work that we have the opportunity to heal these parts of your psychic experience.
Though this work may seem mystical or fantastical and far out there for your conscious mind to make total sense of, these processes tend to lead to profound positive shifts in your waking life.
Hypnosis for kids and teens
Children and teens are great candidates to be helped by hypnosis!
The reason they are such great participants is because their minds are eager and open, the neuro-pattering that is creating their discomfort is relatively shallow, compared to that of an adult, who has many more years supporting whatever conditioning is inhibiting the adult’s desired outcome.Also, kids and teens are rockstars at hypnosis because their creativity and imaginations are just so strong.Also they are resilient and playful… I could go on and on, but basically kids and teens as clients come halfway primed and this makes my job as a hypnotherapist fun and easy.My approach with kids is sublet and affective.To hypnotize a child I have them focus on a point. They will do that until their eyes begin to feel heavy, and they become sleepy. I encourage them to further relax, until they are in a trance-like state.
Once they are in this state, I tell the child teaching stories that relate to and alleviate whatever problems they are experiencing.For teens it is really about speaking their language, using humor and developing trust, from their I let the magnificence of their own mind inform our work together and have them excavate their own solutions.Hypnotherapy with kids and teens is simple, safe and effective.
Hypnosis for creativity and inspiration
Hypnosis is not about convincing you that you don’t feel pain; it’s about helping you manage the emotions you have related to that pain.
Are you a creative person but you feel stuck or locked out of your creativity zone?
Are you a person who has never considered yourself a creative person, but you have always wished that you were?
Here’s a little secret, there is no such thing as “not a creative person”, that person is like the fish swimming around and looking at all the other fish swimming around wishing that she too, could also swim around.
Just like fish are the swimmers, we humans, we create!
So, wherever you are in relationship to your creativity I say, let’s get you back or let’s get you going or let’s get you in or lets get you out, or let’s get you…
You fill in the blank.
You write the next line, and then the next and then the next and then – THE WHOLE STORY!
Hypnosis is a direct portal into your imagination and creativity. This will be, not only fun, but it will be full on generative!
Are you ready?
Lets go!
Hypnosis for self-esteem
Has there ever been a time when you felt proud? When you felt usful or needed?
Have you ever done something for someone else that made a difference in their lives?This was a time you felt full of signifigance and purpose, there was nothing that could get in the way of you feeling good about yourself.In this moment you knew that you were a good and worthy person. You didn’t have to think about it you could just feel the feeling of it, in your body and in your energy.Others could feel it too.It’s a good feeling to feel grounded in your goodness.We all get glimpses of this from time to time.That you have felt this, that you know what I am talking about proves that this spark is alive within you.
Your inner spark loves to shine. It is just waiting to meet the matrieal that will set this feeling of goodness ablaze.
The place I am speaking of is where your personal power, worthiness and self-esteem come form.
I trust in your true nature, your inate goodness and it is my pleasure and thrill to guide you to this inner goodness, light it up, and show you how to be with it and send it radiating out into the world.
I will also teach you how get there on your own. You will practace this again and again until this worthiness, this self-esteem is your baseline – The natural way in which you move through the world.

Hey Friend
Robin Carlisle is a Multidisciplinary Healing Arts Practitioner, working with a wide range of therapeutic modalities from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Mindfulness, as well as variety of Somatic practices

Hey Friend
Robin Carlisle is a Multidisciplinary Healing Arts Practitioner, working with a wide range of therapeutic modalities from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Mindfulness, as well as variety of Somatic practices


As a therapist myself, I cannot recommend Robin’s work highly enough. I came to the work feeling confused about my next steps and anxious. After four sessions, I have clarity about the direction I need to go, and I feel connected to a deep well of warmth inside. That would have taken months or even years in traditional therapy. (!) Robin’s work is on the cutting edge of what the field of psychotherapy has to offer. I’m so glad to know about this skilled healer who can actually help me tap into the wide wisdom that lies beyond my everyday awareness.

Robin holds amazing space. I went into the session with no expectations and I was blown away by the session. I could literally feel myself falling into this deep deep state of lucid relaxation. In that state I could feel the container she was holding. It was powerful and transformative. I will be going back for more sessions. Thank you for weaving your magic all around me!

Robin has a natural magic way about her. She’s such a warm blanket feeling in my life.