Vacations last about thirty minutes for $100

Winter Blues Getting You Down?

Are you just so sick of the gray? Do you wish you could be some where warm and sunny and far, far away from this dreary puddle town? Somewhere tropical, a white sand beach with water that’s warm enough that it could be a child’s bathtub? Maybe you can’t justify the four grand it would take to scoop up the family and jet off to the Caribbean for two weeks or maybe you are clean out of PTO? Or likely you run your own business and you are laughing, yes out loud, to the mention of “Paid Time Off”?

Well, allow me to propose a solution. A vacation, right here in your own town, in your own imagination, in a hours time flat. I will take you there, to the best most beautiful tropical beach that you have ever been to. The water and the temperature outside the water, were made just for your personal pleasure. Oh, and the breeze on your skin as you emerge will be soft-ribbon-silk kisses on your sea salt shoulders as you make your way to the cabana’s open bar for all you can floof, umbrella drinks, and the sounds, oh the sounds, yeah those, for sure, are not the sounds of screaming children, but the hushed softness of lapping waves and the almost inaudible popping of bubbles as sea foam tickles your ankles and you breath all the way in, deeply and fully for that first time in what feels like months.

The trip will be so vivid and sensory enlivening that you will, and this is the crazy best part, you will actually gain the physical benefits that you would from actually slowing down, relaxing and taking time off. Your nervous systems and hormones will all finally be dancing to the same song. You will let go of stress and tension. You will feel relaxed and refreshed and light of heart. You will, at least for the day, have beaten the gray! Each session is 30-minutes long in duration.