


Hypnosis temporarily suspends your conscious mind while accessing your subconscious mind, allowing clearer perspective into your inner workings.

In this space, both you and your therapist, are able to better understand the ways in which you have been perceiving the world.

Here we uncover the long held patterns of belief that have been causing your physical, mental or emotional disturbances.

Hypnotherapy addresses these belief structures at the subconscious level, correcting thinking errors and eliminating destructive behaviors. From here we reorganize these thought environments to create beneficial belief systems that move you in the direction of your desired outcome to support a healthy mind, body and spirit.


Years of Excellence

Hey Friend

Robin Carlisle is a Multidisciplinary Healing Arts Practitioner, working with a wide range of therapeutic modalities from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Mindfulness, as well as variety of Somatic practices

  • Certified Hypnotherapist

  • 20 Years in Counseling

  • Individuals, Couples & Groups

Years of Excellence

Hey Friend

Robin Carlisle is a Multidisciplinary Healing Arts Practitioner, working with a wide range of therapeutic modalities from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Mindfulness, as well as variety of Somatic practices

  • Certified Hypnotherapist

  • Great Counselling
  • Improves Relationships


As a therapist myself, I cannot recommend Robin’s work highly enough. I came to the work feeling confused about my next steps and anxious. After four sessions, I have clarity about the direction I need to go, and I feel connected to a deep well of warmth inside. That would have taken months or even years in traditional therapy. (!) Robin’s work is on the cutting edge of what the field of psychotherapy has to offer. I’m so glad to know about this skilled healer who can actually help me tap into the wide wisdom that lies beyond my everyday awareness.

Nora Harrington, Therapist

Robin holds amazing space. I went into the session with no expectations and I was blown away by the session. I could literally feel myself falling into this deep deep state of lucid relaxation. In that state I could feel the container she was holding. It was powerful and transformative. I will be going back for more sessions. Thank you for weaving your magic all around me!

Jason Lasley, Massage Therapist

Robin has a natural magic way about her. She’s such a warm blanket feeling in my life.

Lauren Culwell, Portland